
August 26th SHRM

Page history last edited by Brandi Jackson 9 years, 9 months ago


First Meeting for Fall 2014


Sally Westendorf

Paul Batts

August 26, 2014

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Valdosta State University

Nevins Hall 1061


This meeting began with an introduction of the current officers, how much chapter dues are (with and without national membership), and what SHRM plans to accomplish this year.  We also had the pleasure to meet with Paul Batts, the Human Resource Generalist with Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation, and his former intern.


SMART Objectives and Goals


  • Hold executive member meetings twice per semester
    • Ensure communication of individual executive member responsibilities
    • Discuss upcoming deadlines and events
    • Meetings may be conducted in person or online
  • Conduct a minimum of four member meetings per semester
    • Secretary will be responsible for coordinating dates, times, and places
    • Meetings include: workshops, webinars, and site visits
    • Coordinate guest/expert speakers (Vice President)
    • Conduct get-to-know-you activities at the beginning of each semester (New Member Coordinator)
    • Build team cohesion by communicating SMART goals/objectives to all members (President)
  • Participate, as an entire chapter, in a minimum of two philanthropic events each year
    • Executive members will organize chapter participation
    • Examples include: Relay for Life, Habitat for Humanity, Local Blood Drive
  • Create yearly checklists for each current executive member and for future executive members
    • Created by executive members
    • Due date: August 2014
  • Assist in the organization of a professional event in the community
    • Executive members will organize chapter participation
    • Examples include: Online Lifeline Conference, City of Valdosta SHRM Chapter events



  • Successfully execute a chapter fundraising event (Treasurer to spearhead)
  • Recruit: Increase group membership and SHRM awareness (see recruiting plan)
  • Increase communication among executive members
  • Gain an understanding of new member goals (i.e., what new members hope to gain from being members of VSUs SHRM chapter)
  • Win the Merit Award! 


Internship Opportunity


Valdosta-Lowndes Parks and Recreation (VLPR)

Paul Batts, HR Generalist, attended the session to advertise the opening of an internship opportunity. Paul brought his current intern, Matthew Brown, to discuss the experiences gained from the internship with VLPR. The internship offered through VLPR allows students to gain real-world experience in the HR field. The intern will receive a beginning salary of $7.25 per hour with advancement opportunities. Paul assists his interns through ensuring they accumulate experience giving interviews, reviewing applications, and running data for VLPR. Once the interns have accumulated they required hours (300 plus thesis or 600 without thesis), Paul switches the intern's job title to entry level HR personnel. This internship is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain relevant job experience and accumulate business hours as an entry level HR employee.


Employee & Organizational Development (EOD)

Rebecca Murphy, Assistant Director of Hr for Employee Development, offers internship opportunities for students in the I-O program. Sally Westendorf, Ashley Beaudoin, and Sarah Claiborne spoke about the experiences that can be gained from the EOD office. Rebecca offers opportunities to design and develop training programs for the faculty, staff, and students of VSU and other surrounding area institutions. Interns that work in the EOD office are given the opportunity to teach numerous courses both on campus and at  satellite locations. In order to ensure the salience and validity of the courses offered through the EOD office, interns create evaluation surveys, input the data into a statistical analysis program, and interpret the results. The interns gain valuable experience in multiple avenues that are salient to the HR field and the I-O field. 


Serving the Community 

VSU-SHRM regularly gets involved in community service programs. Over the past year, VSU-SHRM has participated in Relay for Life and other philanthropic events. The 2014 Relay for Life event was very successful in raising money for the American Cancer Society. The VSU-SHRM team partnered with Rebecca Murphy and the HR department to create a life-sized Angry Birds game. The members of VSU-SHRM were pivitol to the success of the event, as people had to market the game, set-up the game between sets, and be an outreach person to the community to attract donors.


Notes and Handouts

SHRM Meeting Notes 8:26:14.pdf

SHRM Meeting Handout 08:26:14.pdf








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