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Saved by Brandi Jackson
on April 6, 2016 at 4:34:41 pm



Digital Comprehensive Portfolio




Brandi N. (Jackson) Wright

M. S. Candidate for Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Valdosta State University




Links to Pages

Professional Issues Documentation

Human Factors Project

Comprehensive Overview of Coursework

Documentation of Practicum Experience



Welcome to the online portfolio created as a detailed view of the program requirements for completion of the Master of Science degree in the Industrial-Organizational Psychology program at Valdosta State University. The homepage contains links for the different sections required to complete my online portfolio. The Professional Issues Documentation directs to a page dedicated to the coursework, professional meetings, and professional workshop series that I participated during the fall semester of 2015. The Human Factors Project directs to a page that is dedicated to a semester-long project identifying human factors in everyday items and methods to improve human factor processes. The Comprehensive Overview of Coursework directs to a page that is dedicated to the completed coursework required for completion of the Industrial-Organizational Psychology graduate program. The Documentation of Practicum Experience directs to a page dedicated to the hours of experience gained through internship hours at Valdosta State University in compliance with the program requirements for the Industrial-Organizational Psychology program.




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